2017 DynaBowl Mock Draft

At James ‘Goody’ Goodson’s behest, he, Chris Braithwaite and Ian Kulkowski have mock drafted for their puny insignificant lives and come up with the following opening three rounds of the 2017 Dynabowl Rookie Draft.   1.01 1. East Flanders Dungeoneers… Continue reading

Stew’s Pot Luck – Don’t Take Offence, It’s The Offensive Previews

Dynabowl offensive previews   East Flanders Dungeoneers 2015 record: 5-8 (8th)   With a lacklustre finish in 2015, EFD needs a strong start to have a shot at improving their record. There will be no better way to do this… Continue reading

Guest Mock Draft by James ‘Goody’ Goodson of the Tamworth Two

MOCK DRAFT! Get your MOCK DRAFT here! Roll up, roll up, ladies and gentlemen, see the astounding sights of the mock draft up close and personal (don’t worry, he won’t bite, but do keep your hands out of his cage…).… Continue reading